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[E] RedX147
[E] RedX147
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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============= Username:Lolcatz997 When you were banned : 27/12/2011 (dd/mm/yyyy) Person who banned you: Pyrefangs Reason you were banned: My friend Lolcatz997 was forum banned and in game perma banned because he "Threatend the minetown community" the username reecety, who threatend the community was lolz's "friend" as such and lolz only asked him to ask the admin to unbann him seeing as he had been accepted for an unbann on the forums, his friend reecety then proceeded to say "un bann (my) account" which was a lie because it was not his, it was lolz, the threats that proceeded to arrive were just screwing lolz up. Please unbann Lolcatz997, his friend was just "trolling" with lolz so he got mad, and perm banned. Lolz would never threaten this Minetown community he is, and i quote, "lost without Minetown". He didnt even want to make this appeal because he said "why bother" and because he was forum banned. Please reconsider his ban, he would never do something like this. =============
over 13 years ago
this is true, allthough i dont have screenshots of this it is true, he fell off one of the towers in the End and died, accidently clicking title menu instead of respawn, He should get un banned because he was banneed because of a bug!
over 13 years ago
Blocking you in my "Dungeon" is not against the rules, i never invited you into my house so you had no right to be there. NeoZenith was rightfully jailed for greifing, it doesnt matter if its "six blocks of glass" or a whole town, its still classified as greifing. when you said "if he gets banned for this, i cant wait to see you at school". Its hard to misinterpret what its seems like your saying. Sincerly RedX
over 13 years ago
Thats great, i just wanted to clear it up, if you need help clearing land or anything just ask me ingame ill be happy to help
over 13 years ago
If Niclbar ends up taking over the village, im presuming he means the lots Ladder sol, then what shall be the case with my three lots in the area. i have left my lots unattended for a while, but i know other people remove permissions and such from stuff like this, hopefully someone can give me an insight onto what will happen
over 13 years ago